Hey all! This is a quick post to let you know all the things going on this August and September, and all the things that are going to happen too!
First things first, Episode 5 of Gummy and the Doctor came out! As always, this episode is a ton of fun and has lots of new kinks for ya. Make sure you check it out and support the show! (A Gummy x Viewer audio is coming out soon too!)
Secondly, a Battam and Sal animation has just recently been released for Patrons and will be out publicly sometime in September or October. Kind of depends on how my scheduale is looking!
Thirdly, Chapter 7 for Solanaceae should be out in the mail soon, as well as all copies of Tentacles in Dungeon! I also have some really great new merch too...
And lastly, just wanted to announce that for the rest of the year, my goal is not to start anything new and to work as hard as I can on the upcoming Solanaceae visual novel, which had been put to the side (again) on accident. That tends to be the cycle with this game, but it's still being worked on and WILL be done one day, one day, damnit!
I may let myself indulge in a Mini-Dom chapter or two, because they are short and easy to finish, but otherwise, it's gonna be all Solanaceae for me until the new year. That's my goal, at least!
Oh! And if you're in the Portland area, come see me at Rose City Comic con on the 22nd through the 24th! Thanks all!